MeWe Wiki

Jensen is a 16 year old MeWe scoundrel who isn't widely known around MeWe, he can sometimes be seen on other posts half the time. He usually keeps to himself, meaning he isn't big on politics nor into drama, but is always looking to support others when given the chance. He claims to be a Deus Ex enthusiast and takes a loving to the Jojo's Bizarre Adventure franchise and fandom.


Jensen is a video game addict and a guy with too much time on his hands. He is available anytime when he's not doing something else. Jensen has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, though he hasn't shown his face on MeWe (yet) due to having no reason to. IRL he is known as a "strong and silent" person, happens to be very kind-hearted but hides it. Claims to have augmented vision.


Has been on the internet since 2015, hasn't made any waves with the community, and doesn't really know how. He is trying to fit in with the people on MeWe even though it doesn't seem like it. Back in his earlier days he was a raider and troll at times (most likely ex UTTP member and other affiliations) but those days are way behind him now, as he spends his time on Discord either voice chatting or just memeing overall.
